Automotive Manufacturers are using ERP System
Consider an automotive company where the inventory management system works in harmony with the rest of the processes, including production scheduling. This is not a mere concept of the future; it is as real as having an ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) system in place. But on the other hand, there are many competitors, technology and speed in the automotive industry today, and less time to complete a car at an affordable price. An ERP system is capable of revolutionizing the functioning of an automotive manufacturer due to the ability of the system to connect departments and optimize business processes leading to improved efficiency and lower expenses. Benefits of Implementing an ERP System in the Automotive Industry In the fast-paced and fiercely competitive automotive industry, to remain abreast of competition it is not enough to embrace technology as a way of doing business, it has to be used as a tool for integrating operations and supporting decision making. The application of a...